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Tips for Succes as an Undergrad

Below we offer the most honest and useful tips we wanted to hear when starting our undergraduate journey as chemistry students!


How do I get research positions?

  • Cold emailing can work! Include your transcript and CV alongside a short email explaining your interest in their research and your abilities.

  • Get to know your TA's, majority are grad students and could be in a lab of your interest. 

  • Go up to your professors after class and build a relationship with them.

Science Lab

Is Co-op right for me?

There is no right answer. You can ask yourself some of these questions to guide you along:

  • What do I want to pursue in the future? Am I even sure?

  • Do I want more experience in the field?

  • Am I ok to take 5 years instead of 4?

  • Do I want to use my summers to study for professional schools (i.e. MCAT)?

Engineering Class

When to apply to thesis? Should I?

  • You may apply anytime before the fall term commences of your 4th year. 

  • For popular professors and labs, reach out earlier in 3rd year as there is limited spots. 

  • Do research the year prior on what you are interested pursuing.

More detailed information...

Lab Worker

What to look for in future labs/jobs?

  • Make sure to take the time in your courses to pay attention to what you really enjoy and are curious about. 

  • Don't go into something just because everyone else is doing it.

  • When looking into it make sure not only the scope of the job description fits your interests but also the office environment, colleagues, lifestyle and the supervisors style fit yours. 

Girl in Modern Workspace

What do I include in my cold email?

  • Don't make an email that will take a long time to read. You want a concise but powerful message.

  • Include an introduction of yourself, a little blurb on why you are interested in the lab (maybe pick out a paper or project) and then what you have to offer.

  • Make sure to include your transcript and CV as an attachment.


How can I get further assistance on career decisions?

  • Your upper year students have gone through the same process you have and they will have very real advice for you!

  • Attend events hosted by MUSCS (i.e. GIS, thesis night, graduate student panels, etc.)

  • Make an appointment with academic advising within the faculty of science

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